Thursday, February 28, 2008

Letter to Argentina and Paraguay

This is the letter Lizzie sent to mom and dad and Ryan. It's just so...Lizzie!!
Hi Grandma and Grandpa and Rynan,
I am doing 'gynastics'. I do backbends, cartwheels, do balance 'beans' and trampoline and I do swining and jumps. I am already in school. I go to a church that's right by our house, my teacher in my primary class is mom and my preschool teacher's name is Miss Amy and my 'gynastics' teacher's name is Mr. Zach. My teachers are funny. It's winter. And I love the weather it's really pretty. My sister and brother are at school right now. Hos are you?
On Monday we went swimming. My brother and sister are in swimming lessons, just letting you know. I can swim so good by myself but that's only when mom and dad catch me. Sometimes with my sisters and brother, too. We can see Pike's Peak from our house. We have a new house. It's a chocolate house (fyi, it's brown so she calls it chocolate). We moved all of the stuff in the house, of course I got a new bike, it's got a horn on it, beep-beep!
We have a fridge that we never had before. I love my fridgerator because it has water in it that you can put in your cups and it only has cold water and you can drink it, so anywhoo. (I'm typing exactly what she says!)
I watch High School Musical a lot. I love Princess and the Pauper (a Barb ie movie) did you know that Carly and Cassidy gave it to me? How's Argentina?
We go to Mr. Bigg's a lot (it's like a 49th Street Galleria, but better) We go to Focus on the Family too and some of my friends have their birthday parties there and it's really fun. And what else I do is go to a fun school that's really fun. My 'gynastics' class is really fun. Colorado is a big state. And anywhoo... I mom is going to let me go to ballet when I grow up. I have to be in kindergarten thought, it's going to be a long time before I go to ballet. and anywhoo...
I have a princess room and a princess bed and my whole room is filled with princess and I love princesses. and anywhooo...thank you for Mr. Gingles and my care bare blankie. I know that's kind of funny because my dad's name is "Mr." and my Mr. Gingles is a girl but that's what I named her. I miss you in Argentina and Paraguay. I'll be fourteen when you come back (not quite!!) Maybe seven when you come back I mean. Well, anywhoo....
I have a lot of new friends and my sister and brother are having a lot of fun ion primary and it sounds like they are having a lot of fun and I think that's a good thing.
Adios!! bye bye spaghetti oh's


janae said...

That is too funny!! I love that you have that written down. What a great memory. I am sure it made your mom laugh and cry all at the same time. Love you guys!!

Julie Miller said...

Classic Lizzie! I love it!

tyandmichellecall said...

Love my Liz!

R A C H A E L said...

That is adorable. Ahywhoo...