Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This weeks goings on

We have had a great week.
Sorry for the long post....we had a lot of stuff this week that I want to remember!!
Last weekend was our stake conference that Elder Holland presided over. It was fantastic.
Saturday night he talked about getting through the tough times in life. He reminded us that we all knew what we were getting into when we came to this earth and we agreed to all of the things that come with it. We are going to have a lot of tough times, but the 'sun will always come up'. Sometimes it may seem like we are living in a perpetual night, but there is always a dawn. We need to remember that we are in a three act play. The first act we don't remember, the third act is coming and we have been told what the outcome will be based on our performance in the second act. We are in the second act right now.
He really was a great speaker. When he spoke he spoke very matter-of-factly and just said it like it was. He reminded us not to be stupid and jump out of the boat when we are in rough waters. When the seas are rough and we are getting tossed all over the place we need to turn to our Father in Heaven and we need the church more than ever. We should never say "I'm having this trial because Heavenly Father doesn't love me." He said the church is true and that we should always turn to the doctrine there to keep us safe inside the boat.
I'm so glad that we had the opportunity to be taught and uplifted by a special witness of Jesus Christ. His spirit was very powerful and it's very evident that he knows without a doubt that what this church teaches is 100% true. What a blessing it is in my life!!

This last week we had a lot of fun activities. Sam went on a field trip to the Denver museum (I can't remember which one!!) she had a great time and she came home on cloud nine!!
Wednesday was Lizzie's field trip to the zoo. It was a perfect day, it wasn't hot and the sun stayed behind the clouds until right before we left. The kids were all worn out at the end (Jen and I were too!!)
Friday we went to the new Indiana Jones movie. It was a lot of fun to see. I really love those movies and I think this movie was enjoyed by those of us tha grew up with the movies, rather than teenagers who probably haven't seen a lot of the other movies. It was a fun date night and I'm glad I have a cute husband that I love to be with.
Saturday we had a bar-b-q. It turned out to be not windy (Very unusual for colorado springs!!) and no rain or hail! Yeah! It was a fun day with friends.
After that we went mountain biking. Ok, so I'm the whiniest biker ever. I am a little bit scared of falling off the mountain and killing myself!! Dave and Debbie were very patient and poor Steve..after riding with me a couple of weeks ago I thought he would never want to ride again, but he's just so patient and he just laughs at me! I just hope that I get more confidence and less screaming while i'm riding!
Monday we went on a hike with the kids. They did great. We took them to Palmer park and we scoped out a couple of bike trails. One of which they nicknamed "black and blue trail" after walking it I can understand why....oh my word!! I wont be riding the trail...ever!! After we went to Mark and Christy's for a bar-b-q. It was a lot of fun. They have redone their backyard and it looks amazing! I am so glad we have a good relationship with them and that they include us with all of their friends. There were a ton of people there and we had a blast!!
One more week of school. Sam only has one more week of elementary..YIKES!! The kids are of course checked out and I really don't think there is any point in being there...except that they are not here driving each other crazy.
Sam has try-outs this week for soccer. She is very excited and I'm very nervous. This is a big committment, but she really enjoys it and she is good at it. I'll let you know what team she gets!!
She took first place in the hundred yard dash at field day! Hello, where did she get that speed. She was so proud of herself and I was too. My dad and Steve definately have more to do with that than me....I'm NOT fast at all!!


Geri R said...

I love hearing of your goings on. Thanks for posting

daveanddebbie said...

We had a great time, but sorry for the miscommunication about the "fun" trail! If you'll come riding again we promise to pick something easier! On the bright side... at least you didn't biff it in the parking lot!! Would it make you feel better if I posted a picture of my knee?

Melanie said...

I love the insights from Elder Holland's talk! Thanks for sharing.

And I'm so with you on the mountain biking thing. All I can think of as I go down a hill is all the rocks I can see and how they would create the worst head injury if I were to fall off onto one.

Rachel said...

What a busy week! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!

tyandmichellecall said...

I went mountain biking once. I rode about 200 feet, got off the bike and said "I'm walking back to the car, I'll see you there when you're done." Scariest trail, EVER!

jandnrichards said...

What a great post. I loved it all. YOu have such a great family

Julie Miller said...

I think I am ready for a nap after reading that!