Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What a day!

For those of you reading this, you probably don't want to. It's my vent session for today and it really is boring and wont be worth reading, so you may want to wait to for the next post. It has been one of those days. It started out great and then has slowly gone downhill...very fast!! For Stake Conference Elder Holland is coming and our bishop has really encouraged us to prepare ourselves for this weekend. I don't know if I can even begin to feel like I'm spiritually prepared. We have missed family scriptures now for two days in a row and I feel like the spirit has been completely chased out of my home! Sam and Trey both came home from school with all kinds of issues and Lizzie has been in one of her moods and....well, anyway since I use this blog as my journal I just needed to get all of this off my chest Steve has scouts tonight and it's probably a good thing so he's not here feeding off the bad vibes, too! I have a really fun story to post, but to be honest I just don't feel like posting it now, so stayed tuned.
I think I need to go for a run....a really, really, really long run that takes me..hhhmm, anywhere but here. So in other words Lizzie isn't getting a bath tonight, oh well. Thank goodness for bedtime, I can't wait for it today. That's the only nice thing about winter, my kids think it's later than it really is. now, it's way too light to try to convince them that 7pm is a good time for bed.
I talked to Julie today and it really made me miss my family. I didn't get to talk to Mom, we played phone tag on Sunday and trying to get a hold of them during the week is a joke! Although Mother's Day was fabulous for me, it's kind of sad not to be able to talk to my mom, she really isn't much of a phone talker so it's not that unusual to not talk to her a lot, but it would have been nice on Mother's Day.
Michelle had an absolutely adorable picture of Luke and Ty and it made me cry. I can't believe how sweet he is and I can't be by her to enjoy him or her. I talked to my cousin Becky yesterday and she is pregnant and will have the baby after Doug and Geri are gone. It is hard for her to have them gone and it will be hard for us since they have taken over as our Grandma Gerr. It's crazy how my life is going, everyone is all over the place and there is so many great things happening, with Jeff and Erin getting Owen sealed to them and having Mom and Dad have such great experiences and Ryan so happy, it's still hard to not have them around and to have all of the "Fisher" clan so spread out.
I haven't done much Yoga for the last two weeks, maybe I need a long session. I want to go to Lake Powell...NOW!!
Ok, I'm going to go run and hope that I can release some frustration.


Unknown said...

ok - I'm truly sorry to hear you had a crappy day...really I am. But truthfully it's nice to hear how you handle it - it actually made me laugh so I wanted to thank you for the laugh!!! I hope your day is a whole lot better tomorrow!

janae said...

I understand! When it rains it pours! I am sorry you had a bad day. I totally understand that you want to head to Powell:) That place is a little heaven while here on earth. I can't wait to see you in JUNE.I hope the run helped you out

jenn and flay said...

It is hard to live away from family, especially on bad days.

Julie Miller said...

I love your new lay out on your blog! Much easier to read! Sorry if talking to me made your day worse! I try not to vent! Oh, Colby said he wants to get a hot dog at the baseball game (I told him about it)!

Geri R said...

Oh can I relate to those kinds of days. If it makes you feel any better I find myself crying pretty much every day right now. It's hard to understand why we are leaving now when we are so needed here, but I know that we are supposed to, so I just have to have faith that everyone will be taken care of. Family is so important and even though we are all so spread out, we know we love each other and we can support each other even from afar with blogging! I for one am very grateful for blogs. You know you will have better days,but you know, darn it all, you'll have worse ones, too. Hope it helps to know you are loved. Maybe you can dream LAke Powell and that will help! Love ya

Berly said...

I am sorry you felt that way. We all have "those" days and THEY STINK!! Do some yoga and go on a run - I know that will make your day better.