Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This week

Who gets strep in the middle of July? Oh, that would of course be me or my children. Sam and Trey both had strep. I took them into the doctor and the nurse says, "it took about 30 seconds for the test to come back positive." Lovely. So, last week we hung around the house with two sick kids. Not fun in the winter, but really not fun in the summer!!
By Friday they were feeling much better, we went 'camping' Friday night. Actually, Johnson, Jensens and Flemmings went camping over night and we just came up for the evening. It was POURING rain when we got there. Of course my son was running around in shorts and a t-shirt without a rain jacket..what are you going to do? It is an absolutely beautiful area. Driving forever on a dirt road was a lot of fun in the minivan, but the scenery was worth it. After it stopped raining we cooked foil dinners and made s'mores. We had a lot of fun and I'm so glad we can drive an hour and be in the mountains again!
Last week in church Lizzie was having a rough time in sacrament meeting. I had to take her out and as I was standing up she says "Where are you taking me woman?" It took all of my strength not to laugh at her. Where does she come up with these things? She is so funny. She waits to go to the bathroom until the very last second. When she makes it to the bathroom after much jumping around trying to get her pants down, she begins to sing "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" It cracks me up.
Sam has started soccer again this week. It's so fun to watch her progress and learn so much and enjoy the sport. She is so cute and I'm just amazed at how big she is!!
Trey is still deciding what he wants to do. He is still doing cello, but we are debating between basketball and swimming and baseball. Oh, decisions, decisions!
Steve and I went mountain biking last week and I made it to the end of the trail this time. I guess I am doing much better, although I still scream when I am going downhill through very 'scary' rocks. But, that's what mom does every time she water skiis and she is a great skiier, so I guess the legacy will live forever!!
Mom and Dad had their one year mark this month. Sometimes it seems like they have been gone forever and other times it feels like they haven't been gone very long. I know they are loving their mission and the next two years will just fly by for them and they will be so sad to leave their missionaries. Doug and Geri are having a very different experience. I have to admit it's hard for me to even imagine how these people can survive in such horrible conditions. We are so spoiled in America and we have no idea! It's good for us to be reminded by the experiences of others. I just know that the missionaries are being watched over and that they are doing what Heavenly Father wants them to do. I am so grateful for the life that I have and the amazing family members that are such great examples for me. I love them so much and I am so proud of the six members of my family serving Heavenly Father!!


Rachel said...

That is wonderful to have 6 members from your family serving missions. I am glad that there are such great examples out there. Thanks for sharing!

Sorry to hear about the strep. I'm glad there are good meds to fix the problems.

Berly said...

Lizzie is so funny. I love the "Where are you taking me woman?" She is hilarious. I am glad the strep is done.

Unknown said...

i'm so glad u came up camping - wouldn't have been the same w/o you!

The Olsen Family said...

Lizzie is so stinkin cute! i wonder what she will say when she sees ryan i cant wait we are so excited and are proud as well to have such great examples in our family.

Robin said...

More BLOG! More Blog! More more Bloggy!