Thursday, April 24, 2008

One Year!!

So, we are officially Coloradoers (I have no idea what they are called!!) We have really loved being here. When we were in Rhode Island thinking of the places we wanted to live, Colorado was always top on the list. After our prayers last night Steve said, it's weird that we are actually here, isn't it? Sometimes it feels like we have always been here and sometimes it seems like we just got here.
We have made so many amazing friends and we absolutely love being back in the mountains.
Trey had his final cello concert tonight. After his group was done the other groups of the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony performed. They really have a ton of talent. It was so great, the top group had three cello soloists tonight. It almost made me cry because I thought 'I will get to listen to this for the rest of my life' I am so excited for Trey to continue with this instrument. It's so beautiful and it's so great to see him have something that he really is good at.
Last week we bought a new mattress. Yeah!! We were so excited about it. It's a memory foam and it has a twenty year warranty on it. Steve was in bed and he said 'Oh, my gosh! When this warranty runs out I will be 56!!' WoW! That really made me think about what my life will be like in 20 years. Twenty years ago I was just starting young women's. Hello, that wasn't very long ago!! It was kind of one of those moments that kind of slaps you in the face!
I wanted to tell Melanie thanks for the Cafe Rio recipe.. MMMMM!!!! LOVE CAFE RIO!!!


Melanie said...

Weird to think about life according to warranties...

And you're welcome for the recipe! Cafe Rio's the best!

tyandmichellecall said...

We're so happy for you. I hope I get to visit soon.

Berly said...

We love having y'all here and I love that mattress. Also, I want the Cafe Rio recipe.

Robin said...

We are very glad you moved here! Please post recipe.