Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We've been tagged

So, Colby tagged us quit some time ago and we have been slackers. this is just me and Lizzie. Sam and Trey are still 'thinking'
1. I love shoes. Running, hiking, dress, casual it really doesn't matter.

2. Food is almost an obsession. I love to eat. Trying new foods is one of my favorite things and it makes me happy. I love to cook. (told you I was obsessed) I don't even mind doing the dishes afterwards. Learning new ways to cook and finding new recipes is a hobby for me. Sometimes I bake/cook just for the fun of it and then make my friends eat it all so I wont gain 50 lbs. in a month.

3. I love watching sports. Baseball is probably my favorite. Football is great and I can even enjoy watching golf and soccer. I would love to go to Wimbeldon, The Masters, The Super Bowl and the World Series. (NASCAR is NOT a sport and I don't like it at all!!)

4. Working out is an addiction for me. I have discovered that if I go more than three days without running, yoga or some form of exercise I become a monster. My Dad says he's the same way so maybe it's genetic?!

5. I really love music. My ipod is my friend!! Give me some good 80's rock music some fabulous piano music, or just some good ol' country and I am a happy camper!!

6. Watching my kids grow up brings more emotions than I can explain. I am so proud of them and the accomplishments they are making, but Lizzie is 4 1/2 and that means she's not a baby anymore and that makes me sad. I am living vicariously through friends and family who have babies and it's really fun!

7. I have the most patient husband in the world. Hello, trying to live with me is like living with a volcano. Most of the time it's peaceful, but when it blows, you better watch out!!

8. I hate dirty floors. When I was little I hated walking on the floor of my grandma's boat at lake powell because there was always sand,food,water on the floor and it literally made me sick. I still am that way, my floors have to be vacuumed and moped or I go nuts. (Hotels kind of gross me out only because of the floors!)

1. I love being around my friends. I have to have someone to play with at all times or my life is over!

2. Singing is great. I do it ALL the time. Making up my own songs or just singing songs from the radio, primary or our favorite CD's it really doesn't matter.

3. I am a mamma's girl.

4. Princesses Rule. What do I want to be when I grow up? sleeping beauty.

5. My thumb is my friend. It's always there when I need it and it always knows how to make me feel better.

6. I don't really like being a big kid. I try to do as little for myself as possible so that I can stay a baby.

7. "Ballet Music" is really great. I could listen to the ballet "Sleeping Beauty" twenty times a day.

8.I love to play dress-up. Everyday it's necessary to see how I look in a particular outfit. I have about a hundred dress-ups and they are all used on a regular basis.


Geri R said...

Paula, you and I are more alike than I knew. Love to cook, love to watch basball and football especially, and love to exercise, too. Too bad I also love to eat the food I cook.

Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

I love the pictures of Trey at the pinewood derby. He looks so old. I can't believe how time flies! Thanks for updating your pics. I love to check them out.

Robin said...

Nice post. Are you the one who bought Noah's singing offer at the auction? Seeing that you love music you better have him come over and water your plants and play the piano (it was either you or jen.)

Julie Miller said...

Yea! I am glad you finally did that! Now I just guess Sam and Trey need to! I guess I know you pretty good though because none of it was a surprise to me!